Where are you skating?

It's incredibly liberating feeling to simply strap on a set of wheels to your feet and roll wherever you like.
There are a plethora of locations to enjoy skating and here are some suggestions to expand your skating world.
The Beach
The foreshore path continues for many kilometres of generally smooth and high visibility skating. Excellent for a solo short cruise or with friends to your favourite coffee shop or for a long distance scenic skate. Excellent for beginners to expert level skaters. Be sure to Google map the path to see what interesting stop offs there could be!
Bicycle paths
Excellent for commuting or just making a day of skating. Scenic and peaceful cruising to whatever distance you feel. Google bicycle paths around your area to discover new areas to explore. Take note of your surroundings as you'll be bound to discover some interesting sights along the way.
Challenging but equally as rewarding! There's nothing quite like zipping around the side streets and cruising around the city enjoying the open air atmosphere. Identify your favourite lines through the urban terrain for an exciting ride.
Skate rinks
Many of us started skating here and for good reason! Smooth, safe and weatherproof, your local skate rink provides hours of great fun. Throw in great music and games for an excellent skating experience day or night. Pictured below is Caribbean Rollerama in Scoresby Victoria.
Meeting new skaters
Having friends to share skating adventures with is one of the best aspects of skating.
Depending on where you live, there are social skating groups on Facebook.
In Victoria, it's MIQSS: Melbourne Inline & Quad Skate Scene, Eastern Suburbs Melbourne Skating, Melbourne Trail Skating, Frankston and Surrounds Skate Group, Bayside Recreational Skaters.
For NSW it's Sydney Bladers and for QLD there's Brisbane Free Sk8.
In SA, there is AdelBladies and Adelaide Group Skate
If there's not one in your state then certainly encourage a friend to come with you. It may be likely that they have skates and have done it before! If not, try your local skate shop and rent a pair or just head to a rink where there'll be plenty.
We hope this brings some extra skate inspiration for you. There's an amazing big skating world out there just waiting for you!