Getting Ready for Sunday's Speed Event

Once a month all the speed clubs in Melbourne get together to race.
Races are set up on two different event formats: Track and Road.
Gloria Pyke Netball complex is the primary location of races. Both indoor and outdoor can be held at this location. Sk8house, Eltham and Caribbean Rollarama are other indoor locations that speed clubs train at.
Track Racing is done indoor on a 100m flat track.
Road is done on the outdoor road on a circuit that is about 300m.
Depending on the event style will dictate what equipment we bring to the event.
Indoors we have special indoor wheels that grip the surface in a smooth way that offers the most grip and roll. For outdoors we have wheels that are a little softer that grip the uneven surface. The difference in wheel urethane is very different and one wouldn’t want to be using one on the opposite surface of intended use.
Preparation for race day is always very important, one always wants to be at their best so preparation is key. You would think that training might be ramped up in the week before but that is not the case. Constancy is key when it comes to training but race day is the day that you get to see where all of that hard work is paying off. In the days leading up a couple of things that I do are kind of important but everyone’s preparation is always different.
1.) Try and get good quality sleep the three nights before hand.
2.) Stock up on some high calorie/protein snacks to take.
3.) Get that Delicious Bacon and Eggs for breakfast day of. (Breakfast of Champions)
The Equipment that I try to pack for racing is always the same.
Pack the correct wheels for the surface that you are running on.
Pack a suitable lunch/snack to eat throughout the day.
Pack spare parts including laces, bearings, spacers, axles and spare buckles.
Pack Race Day skinsuit with Race numbers attached to the sides and back.
Fill the race suitcase with all the things listed above and drive down to where the races are being held.
Race day all the nervous and jitters of excitement come to the surface. I got to interview Harry Stogdale and Stuart Cowin, getting their thoughts on how the day was going to go. Both were in high spirits but I think Stuart was a little bit cold.
Races are broken up into two main types of races on the day, short distance and long distance. The two races are very different to one another. Some people specialise in shorter 'sprints' and some specialise on longer distance races.
On this mini-series event the two races for my division (Senior B) were a 1-lap race, which is around 300m and a 5000m points race.
All competitors did a fabulous job, with some of the best races of the day coming from the junior divisions. It's exciting to see just how far some of the younger racers have improved in their technique and speed. The Senior A races are always a blast to watch, with Harry and Stuart always battling it out for first place in the 1 lap. Both made it to the final along with Tyler Robertson and Declan Portman. It was a very exciting race with Declan pulling just ahead of Harry across the finish line on the final straight.
The long distance for the senior men was also very exciting. Stuart and Harry were playing cat-and-mouse for the front with Tyler. Stuart being an expert in long distance and Harry having the race experience from years of races, both seemed very cool and calculated in the moves that they made. Tyler crossed the line in first place closely followed by Harry and Stuart not far behind. The Bayside pair secured enough points to finish 1st and 2nd on the podium!
Overall, it was a fabulous day with much fun and excitement had by all. Everyone did very well and with these races finished we will be looking forward to the next race on the 21st of May and later in the year. State Victorian Championships.