Beginners Guide To Roller Skating

So you’ve just invested in a new pair of roller skates? Woo hoo! Time to get prepared for fun times ahead! First things first - you need to learn how to use them (well, maybe the first thing is to take a snap of them and upload your new skates to the ‘gram 📸 #baysideblades #newskateswhodis).
In this article, we’ll look at five tips for beginners learning how to roller skate. Follow these tips and you’ll be feeling confident and skating around like a pro in no time!
Make Sure Your Skates Fit Properly
Skating in roller skates that don’t fit isn’t just uncomfortable; it can also be dangerous. For one thing, you’re much more likely to fall and hurt yourself if the skates don’t fit your feet properly.
Poorly fitted skates will also change the way that you move while skating because you’ll be trying to compensate for your foot sliding around or if it’s overly right. This can open you up to injury and it’s just nowhere near as fun when the fit isn’t right.
While it’s easy to fit your foot in person in a skate shop, if you live far away (or if we’re in a lockdown), sometimes that’s just not possible. Thankfully, our expert team has been fitting skates for years and we’ve developed the ultimate roller skate fitting guide to help - even if you can’t visit our shop!
To get fitted for your skates, simply visit the fitting guide here and follow the instructions and we’ll get your foot matched to the roller skate that’s going to be a great fit for you (of course, you can also start a chat on our website or call our store if you need some extra help).
Wear Protective Gear
Especially while you’re first learning to skate, it is so important to wear the proper skate protective gear. This includes a helmet, wrist guards, and knee pads.
The good thing is, there’s a lot of super fashionable and awesome looking proactive gear!
Some people might feel silly wearing helmets, but they shouldn’t. Even a minor head injury from a fall can be devastating, not to mention head injuries from more major accidents, such as if you collide with a vehicle.
Wrist and knee pads are important because if you do fall, these are the parts of your body that will try to catch you. Wrist guards prevent your wrists from breaking on impact when you stick your arms out to stop yourself, which is a common natural reaction. Knee pads help the delicate bones and tissues in your knees since they’re the part of your body that you’ll probably land on if you fall forward.
By using protective gear, you can enjoy skating safely for longer and with more confidence.
Learn to Skate on Smooth, Level Ground
Eventually, you’ll be able to roller skate almost anywhere, but when you’re first learning, it’s better to do so on smooth, level ground.
That way, you can get the hang of how it feels (it might be a totally new and different sensation for you) without worrying about rough gravel or big scary hills.
A bike path can be a great place to learn, provided the surface is smooth, dry and flat. Basketball and tennis courts are also great places to learn as there are many public parks that have these facilities they are usually very smooth.
Also, if there is an outdoor track at your local school, gym, or park, that can work great as well (just check to be sure that roller skates are allowed before you start jumping fences, OK!?).
Skate with a Friend
One of the best ways to learn is to skate with a friend. Not only can they give you some of their own tips and tricks, but it can also be more fun! Skating is great exercise without being too exhausting, so you can still have a chat while you cruise along if that’s your thing.
Try setting up a weekly “skate date” and get others to join you or check out the social roller skating groups in your area. That way, you have some accountability for skating more often and can enjoy the social experience.
Consider a Skating Lesson
The easiest way to learn how to use your new pair of roller skates is by hiring a professional. Let someone who is an expert and who has experience teaching others show you the ins and outs. It costs a bit of extra money upfront, but it can also save you a lot of time and effort. What’s more, learning to skate properly can help you prevent injuries in the future. Learn more about roller skate lessons here.
Enjoy Your Skates!
By following the tips above, you can enjoy the process of developing your new skating skills and feel more confident on your skates. After all, the most important part of owning a pair of roller skates is actually getting out there and enjoying them! We promise that you will be glad you did once you’re an avid roller skater yourself.
Have fun!