Leaving from Middle Brighton Baths in Brighton at 7pm, this skate runs every Tuesday night along the bikepath to St Kilda and back.
You just need to be comfortable on your skates, and be able to control your speed confidently. This is 12km in total skate with frequent breaks and takes about an hour to complete.
The skate runs all year round.
Around the time of the winter solstice, there is a skate into the city which also occurs just before Christmas.
We are often asked, will I be fast enough? This is not a Speed skate, with the average speed being 15 to 18km/h, so you just need to be comfortable on your skates, have good general fitness and want to meet other skaters, to enjoy this group. Please note that this is more suited for adult skaters.
For more information add yourself to the Bayside Blades Recreational Skaters on Facebook, or call the shop on 03 95557988 during business hours.